Information Technology Readiness and Preparation Package
Despite the dynamic nature of today's world, changing or setting up new IT solutions can be fraught with problems. It is not unusual to find a workforce which is resistant to change, often because of:
- Too many other initiatives happening at once
- Inaccurate rumors about the project
- Past problems - miscommunicated or botched initiatives, leading to fears of being steamrollered or losing key features of current systems
- The belief that there is no need for change
- Groups of people or key individuals opposed to the project
- A belief that the project is not good for the organization
- Inappropriate (or nonexistent) communications about the project
The readiness and preparation package is designed to find obstacles to change before they imperil the success of the project.
It is also ideal as a communication vehicle, from leaders to employees - it shows that this project is important, and also that employee support is needed.
While it is customized for each organization, to make sure it fits the current environment, the Toolpack change readiness survey measures:
- the perceived need for change
- understanding of the strategy
- whether people feel they should and can support the change
- how well the change has been communicated
- the extent to which people feel they can have an impact on the change itself
- whether appropriate support is available
In addition, through open questions, it seeks to discover:
- what people feel will be the obstacles to change
- why people support or do not support the change
- how people will react to the change
The cost of the package is usually dwarfed by the investment in the change itself. Yet, it can be the key ingredient in a program's success.
- Relevant
- Customizable
- Easy to understand reports
- Economical
- Increase success of change efforts
- Reduce or work around resistance to change
- Communicate importance of survey and employee support
What is it?
A set of services designed to capture essential information before an IT initiative is started, to increase the speed of implementation and prevent expensive problems.
Why do I need it?
The Readiness and Preparation Package can greatly increase your success in introducing a new initiative or IT system.
It provides information about current human processes, obstacles, and the level of support by managers and employees. Knowing the obstacles and level of support in advance is key to managing change.
Using the Package to speed implementation and avoid roadblocks is essential in today's environment, with the need to show immediate results.
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